Featured Band Names - Page 5

Please take a moment to participate in our band name discussion. Some of these comments are funny. Won't you generate a band name and add a comment?

Hilarious as can be,20 out of 10
omg, horrible, just HORRIBLE
This band sings about existential dilemmas, overly long zoom meetings, and fighting tectonic flow.
I chuckled. This is a country/punk band, obviously.
Wrecking Pulse might sound better
I got this a Country Band name, but this name works way better as a metal band. Specifically, a heavier metalcore type deal.
Seems a little too edgy for a pop group. I'd say it sounds more emo than anything, but that's not an option.
It's just a bloody brilliant name
this will be an interesting name for a funeral doom solo project
Sounds like every band of 4 angry teenagers playing loudly in their moms garage and I love it
I admire to name a wanting to be saying person.
this actually kinda rules lmao
Frigging hilarious! Love it! Need mire pharmaceuticals in band names...
I like the suspense here, did someone say captivating?!
This is the most coolest thing ever
Hashtag Lit FAM...also I'm stealing your bagels
I'm guessing they're not going to be on the Vegan Metal Tour
This is too perfect. I'm just imagining a Superorganism-type band, with members from every corner of the globe, with the goal of making music for every region, with every culture...gosh this is a good name
Even yeast is a victim of Bourgeois Capitalism.
this sounds like a skyrim metal band
This is really good. I own a business with a similar name. I'm suddenly wondering what getting it might involve.
I like this name. It's a little creepy. That would work well with a progressive or maybe a death metal band.
This is kind of good. Maybe a variation might be available. Something like "Magicains Of Doom". That might work.
This name is interesting. Perhaps I could get the whole word "wizard" for mine. That might be good.
this rules. very funny and relatable.
I am young man with the big talent
Live life in spin but s is silent
Amazing. I intend to use this in my gothic blackened funeral-death-doom band with surf jazz bossa nova influences, and medieval raga-inspired acoustic astral whip passages with deathcore sludge breakdowns.
I mean that is pretty much what music is...
These things have really helped me! Thanks!
Laughed at this one. Sounds like a caveman, "How do you look?" "We Eyes"
I mean... it is good though, i think
I think I would swap and make it “disaster rising”
This is awesome i was trying to find a name for my baby boys band definitely choosing this he is gonna love this!
I would probably rename this "Corrective Running." Haha I love this for personal reasons. Needed for a fic I'm working on. I imagine they would sound something like Tame Impala + Cake + Com Truise.
good. fun. sexy.Blown Of The Scarlet
This was a surprisingly good name.
it’s really good. has a nice ring to it
Never have I thought that pika could be "of the lubes" but now I know that I have missing a world of possibilities. My mind has been opened to what it means to be a pika or "of the lubes." When I use this name, I shall give full credit to this name generator. Thank you for your contribution to the world.
The best band name ever listed in the history of forever
im 14 and this is deep, fr doe this is some deep thinking teenage garage band name
Its all good you can use it. It was randomly generated
sounds like a new age pop band
I will be using this as a Wifi Password
Epic epic epic very cool thank you Kanye.
Quiet Melees somehow refer to mental scars.
Now this is one hell of an 80’s glam metal band name
Can't wait to hear ecstasy of roaches on the radio
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That’s ridiculous. I love it.
thats just an alchohol addiction