R.E.M. Song Maker

Don't have enough time to listen to all of your favorite R.E.M. songs? Try making a random blend of them into one song with this generator. Get all your favorite Stipe mumblings in set of lyrics.

Hope Heaven
Words & Music by Band Name Maker, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills and Bill Berry
Verse 1:
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room
I felt gravity pull
Keep me out of Country and the word
They crowded up to Lenin with the noses worn off
And it's so far, it's so dark, I'm so lost
He's gonna be a clown on a circus mount
Try to win and suit your needs
Twisting tongue, got a stripe
Verse 2:
Diane is on the beach, do you realize the life she's led
Reddened their necks and collared their clothes
Take oasis, Marat's bathing
This name I got we all agree
And it's so far, it's so dark, I'm so lost
He's gonna be a clown on a circus mount
Try to win and suit your needs
Twisting tongue, got a stripe
Listen to the bargain holler listen to the barter holler
The pilgrimage has gained momentum
This is where they swam
To whistle as the wind blows
Verse 3:
Don't go back to Rockville, don't go back to Rockville
Get me to the train on time, here, take this nickel, make a dime
He's gonna be a clown in a marching band
Lighted, lighted, laughing in tunes
And it's so far, it's so dark, I'm so lost
He's gonna be a clown on a circus mount
Try to win and suit your needs
Twisting tongue, got a stripe
Create another R.E.M. song
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